You come to yoga to find more ease in your body as you go through your day to day activities. To be able to:
- Touch your toes and gain flexibility
- Stand taller with improved posture
- Reduce your stress and be more relaxed
You didn’t sign up to feel uncomfortable in a posture, feel alone as everyone else moves deeper, or to have more aches and pain in your body.

That is where Not Your Normal Yoga comes in.
We believe in empowering our students to throw out the yoga rules and to guide you to finding their personalized yoga poses that work for you. Knowing that we all have different body proportions and genetic make ups that can make your yoga pose look different than someone else, we want to take you out of the yoga box to find more freedom in your body.
“I especially like the split screen view! That made it so much more 3D and understandable. You can’t even get that live in a person to person class.”
“I really like your teaching style. It’s helpful that you’re knowledgeable but you don’t take yourself too seriously. Your approach makes your classes accessible and not intimidating.”

Our Not Your Normal Yoga Classes
- Combine Yoga Asanas (poses) with Exercise Science, functional, and correctional movements for modern bodies
- Recognize that you know you your body more than anyone else
- Meet you where you are to build strength while gaining mobility and flexibility
- Help you become aware of your body’s limitations and strengths to improve body awareness
I’m Kate Hamm and I have never been super flexible despite a childhood of ballet. One of the reasons that I began taking yoga classes was, because I couldn’t touch my knees when I bent over.
While yoga improved my flexibility, I found that most yoga teachers said things that made no sense with my Exercise Science training. Add in that most were hypermobile former dancers or gymnasts and couldn’t understand why my body wouldn’t do what theirs could. It made some classes very frustrating.
Over my 10 years of teaching yoga, I began to combine my yoga brain with my science brain to discover happier yogis and students.

“After that class, it was the first time I wasn’t in pain for an entire week.”
“I feel like I just had a hip replacement.”

Not Your Normal Yoga is Great For:
- Beginners – We help to break down poses to increase confidence
- Athletes – Our classes are great for body awareness and recovery
- Hypermobile Yogis – By building strength, we create more stability

Take the first step toward Body Bliss
We currently have 9 Not Your Normal Yoga classes available ranging from 40 minutes to 1 hour in length. Each class has a clear focus on building skills, a particular joint or body part, or a certain movement and pose.
Upon purchase, you own the video to watch as many times as possible. You’ll receive links to stream and download the videos. There are no subscriptions that you’ll forget you are paying.

“I love the tempo of your voice and how slow you move through the positions, which I don’t think teachers do enough.”